As an explorer and scientist, Albert has traveled the world, explored ancient tombs and discovered lost pyramids. But now he’s on a very personal mission... He is searching for a wave - a wave that he believes will transport him to another dimension — he wants to get barreled (surf inside the curl of the wave).
Albert’s journey has forced him to investigate the complex, and at times flawed, way our mind communicates with our physical body - in a very personal way. After losing his leg Albert not only had to teach his brain and legs how to walk again he also had to contend with the bizarre condition known as phantom limb pain. This debilitating condition saw Albert suffer severe pain in a leg that was no longer there — a condition that 80% of amputees suffer from.
Teaming up with a word leading neuroscientist, Albert pioneered a new method of rewiring the brain and removing the pain — a method that is now the central part of a 1.3 million dollar medical trial.
The desire to get back out into the ocean on a surf board was what propelled Albert to push on through the set backs, dead ends and miscalculations. The ocean, with its wild power, cannot be embraced. It keeps coming, wave after wave. Yet though it cannot be tamed, it can be harnessed. This is a lesson for us all — we can’t control the hand we are dealt in life, but we can control how we react to it.
This will be a moving portrait of pain and trauma that reveals just how remarkable the human mind, body and spirit really are. The goals for this film, are to educate and inspire people from around the world, and uplift them to strive for more in life. Overcoming trauma, losing someone or something, by seeking friendship, flow state, and love.
Executive Producer: Albert Lin
Director: Alex Howard
Director of Photography: John Harrington
Producer: Thomas Backer
Drone Cinematography: Casey Harrington
Additional Cinematography: Alex Howard, Casey Harrington, Mitchell Long, Tyler Redes
Editors: John Harrington, Alex Howard, Tyler Redes
As we are still in development of this film, the most dominant challenge has remained throughout; getting Albert inside the wave of his life - a barrel. For those of you who don't know how challenging getting barreled by a wave is, consider that, a majority of dedicated surfers will go a lifetime without getting in and out of a barreling wave. It is the hardest feat in the sport, being of the most challenging action sports in the world. Along with this challenge, the nature of the shoot is constantly wearing on the crews physical health, and the gear as well. Filming in 15 foot surf comes with JUST a few challenges... Salt water and cameras don't mix!
The quest continues!